Unlock New Citizenships
as Modern Investor.

We invest in digital asset companies in Portugal.

Digital Asset Companies

No Market Timing. The investment strategy includes acquiring exposure to BTC without timing the market, maintaining a constant position over the years.

ETFs for Security

The full liquidity of digital asset companies is kept in BTC through the most reputable worldwide ETFs. The assets are safely stored and managed over the course of the investment.


The investors have access to the annual report with a transparent audit of the assets managed. Unbound Fund's auditor is BDO.

Investment Rationale

Why Invest in and Web3 Companies
Long Term?

Bitcoin has outperformed every other asset class in 8 out of the last 11 years.

Historical returns of Bitcoin have outperformed any other asset 8 years out of 11 (as of March 31, 2024).

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Bitcoin is going mainstream, 30+ ETFs launched since January 2024.

∼ $175B worth of Bitcoin is now held by ETFs, countries, and public and private companies (May 2024).

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Company Pipeline

Unbound Fund pipeline includes Unbound Research, a blockchain company focused on Bitcoin investment and research.

Bitcoin represents the main focus of Unbound Research in terms of research, community, and network participation. The company aims to foster institutional Bitcoin adoption as its core purpose.


Liquidity in Bitcoin

Limited supply

Maximum supply of 21 million. This scarcity means that the price could move upward as adoption increases.

Increasing adoption

Bitcoin has been gaining traction in terms of the number of merchants that accept it as payment. In 2021, El Salvador made headlines by declaring Bitcoin as legal tender. As the first country to do so, El Salvador serves as a good macro case study for Bitcoin as legal tender.

Potential inflation hedge

Monetary stimulus is currently eroding purchasing power globally, and Bitcoin might outperform as it’s not subject to the same inflationary manipulation as traditional currencies.  

We are the first Web3 Golden Visa Fund.

Unbound's strategy is designed to meet exclusively
blockchain businesses exposure and golden visa needs.

On-chain is the new online. Unbound Fund offers transparent investment terms. We cover the costs with the management fee, and our business is based on the upside generated together.


Fund Size

The Investment Terms

Our policy is to be as capital efficient as possible while providing the best service.

EUR 500K of investment


10% performance fee


1.5% annual management fee


100% exposure to Web3 Companies


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The Portuguese Golden Visa program is a residency by investment program that allows non-EU/EEA nationals to obtain a Portuguese residence permit by making a qualifying investment in Portugal. The program was launched in 2012 and has become one of the most popular investment migration programs in Europe.

The Golden Visa funds are a specific investment option under the Portuguese Golden Visa program. This involves investing a minimum of €500,000 in a qualifying investment fund that is approved by the Portuguese government.

Yes, there are some restrictions on the types of investment funds that are eligible for the Golden Visa program. The funds must be registered and authorized by the Portuguese Securities Market Commission (CMVM) and must invest a minimum of 60% of their assets in Portugal.